Saturday, October 3, 2009


 Introduction to energy:-
The energy of a body is its capacity to do work. It is measured the total
amount of work that the body can do.
Energy is the primary and most universal measure of all kinds work by
human beings and nature. Every thing what happens the world is the
expression of flow of energy in one of its forms.

Different forms of energy:-

The different forms of energy are:
1. Mechanical energy (kinetic and potential)
2. Thermal (or) Heat energy
3. Chemical energy
4. Electrical energy
5. Nuclear energy
6. Electromagnetic energy
7. Gravitational energy
The S.I unit of energy is Joule or KJ or Watt.h.

Primary Energy Sources:-

Primary energy sources can be defined as sources which provide a net
supply of energy Coal, Oil, Uranium etc., are examples of this type. The
energy required to obtain these fuels is much use than what they can produce
by combustion or nuclear reaction. The supply of primary fuels is limited. It
becomes very essential to use these fuels sparingly.
Coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear energy.

Secondary Energy sources:-

Secondary fuels produce no net energy. Though it may by necessary
for the economy, these may not yield net energy.Secondary sources are like sun, wind, water (tides), etc. Solar energ can by used through plants, solar cells, solar heaters and solar collectors.

Energy sources and their availability:-


Today every country draws its energy needs from a variety of sources.
We can broadly categorize these sources as commercial and noncommercial.
The commercial sources include the fossil fuels (coal, oil and
natural gas), hydro-electric power and nuclear power, while the noncommercial
sources include wood, animal waste and agricultural wastes. In
an Industrialized country like U.S.A. most of the energy requirements are met
from commercial sources, while in an Industrially less developed country like
India, the use of commercial and non-commercial sources are about equal.

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