Saturday, October 3, 2009

Non-Conventional Energy Sources

The sources of energy which are being produced continuously in
nature and are in exhaustible are called renewable sources of energy (or)
non-conventional energy.
Some of these sources are:
(a) Wind energy
(b) Tidal energy
(c) Solar energy

(a) Wind energy

Winds are caused because of two factors.
1. The absorption of solar energy on the earth’s surface and in the
2. The rotation of the earth about its axis and its motion around the Sun.
A wind mill converts the kinetic energy of moving air into Mechanical
energy that can be either used directly to run the Machine or to run the
generator to produce electricity.
(b) Tidal energy

Tides are generated primarily by the gravitational attraction between
the earth and the Moon. They arise twice a day in Mid-Ocean. The tidal
range is only a Meter.
Basically in a tidal power station water at high tide is first trapped in a
artificial basin and then allowed to escape at low tide. The escaping water is
used to drive water turbines, which in turn drive electrical generators.
(c) Solar energy

Brief history of solar energy (or) Importance of solar energy:
Energy from the sun is called solar energy. The Sun’s energy comes
from nuclear fusion reaction that take place deep in the Sun. Hydrogen
nucleus fuse into helium nucleus. The energy from these reactions flow out
from the sun and escape into space.

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