Sunday, October 11, 2009


Superfluidity is a phase of matter or description of heat capacity in which unusual effects are observed when liquids, typically of helium-4 or helium-3, overcome friction by surface interaction when at a stage (known as the "lambda point" for helium-4) at which the liquid's viscosity becomes zero. Also known as a major facet in the study of quantum hydrodynamics, it was discovered by Pyotr Kapitsa, John F. Allen, and Don Misener in 1937 and has been described through phenomenological and microscopic theories. In the 1950s Hall and Vinen performed experiments establishing the existence of quantized vortex lines. In the 1960s, Rayfield and Reif established the existence of quantized vortex rings. Packard has observed the intersection of vortex lines with the free surface of the fluid, and Avenel and Varoquaux have studied the Josephson effect in superfluid 4He.

Some theories

L. D. Landau's phenomenological and semi-microscopic theory of superfluidity of 4He earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1962. Assuming that sound waves are the most important excitations in 4He at low temperatures, he showed that 4He flowing past a wall would not spontaneously create excitations if the flow velocity was less than the sound velocity. In this model, the sound velocity is the "critical velocity" above which superfluidity is destroyed.
(4He has a lower flow velocity than the sound velocity, but this model is useful to illustrate the concept.) Landau also showed that the sound wave and other excitations could equilibrate with one another and flow separately from the rest of the 4He called the "condensate".
From the momentum and flow velocity of the excitations he could then define a "normal fluid" density, which is zero at zero temperature and increases with temperature. At the so-called Lambda temperature, where the normal fluid density equals the total density, the 4He is no longer superfluid.
To explain the early specific heat data on superfluid 4He, Landau posited the existence of a type of excitation he called a "roton", but as better data became available he considered that the "roton" was the same as a high momentum version of sound.
Bijl in the 1940s[1], and Feynman around 1955 [2], developed microscopic theories for the roton, which was shortly observed with inelastic neutron experiments by Palevsky.
Landau thought that vorticity entered superfluid 4He by vortex sheets, but such sheets were shown to be unstable.
Lars Onsager and, later independently, Feynman showed that vorticity enters by quantized vortex lines. They also developed the idea of quantum vortex rings.


Although the phenomenologies of the superfluid states of helium-4 and helium-3 are very similar, the microscopic details of the transitions are very different. Helium-4 atoms are bosons, and their superfluidity can be understood in terms of the Bose statistics that they obey. Specifically, the superfluidity of helium-4 can be regarded as a consequence of Bose-Einstein condensation in an interacting system. On the other hand, helium-3 atoms are fermions, and the superfluid transition in this system is described by a generalization of the BCS theory of superconductivity. In it, Cooper pairing takes place between atoms rather than electrons, and the attractive interaction between them is mediated by spin fluctuations rather than phonons. (See fermion condensate.) A unified description of superconductivity and superfluidity is possible in terms of gauge symmetry breaking.
Superfluids, such as supercooled helium-4, exhibit many unusual properties. (See Helium#Helium II state). Superfluid acts as if it were a mixture of a normal component, with all the properties associated with normal fluid, and a superfluid component. The superfluid component has zero viscosity, zero entropy, and infinite thermal conductivity. (It is thus impossible to set up a temperature gradient in a superfluid, much as it is impossible to set up a voltage difference in a superconductor.) Application of heat to a spot in superfluid helium results in a wave of heat conduction at the relatively high velocity of 20 m/s, called second sound.
One of the most spectacular results of these properties is known as the thermomechanical or "fountain effect". If a capillary tube is placed into a bath of superfluid helium and then heated, even by shining a light on it, the superfluid helium will flow up through the tube and out the top as a result of the Clausius-Clapeyron relation. A second unusual effect is that superfluid helium can form a layer, 30 nm thick, up the sides of any container in which it is placed. See Rollin film.
A more fundamental property than the disappearance of viscosity becomes visible if superfluid is placed in a rotating container. Instead of rotating uniformly with the container, the rotating state consists of quantized vortices. That is, when the container is rotated at speed below the first critical velocity (related to the quantum numbers for the element in question) the liquid remains perfectly stationary. Once the first critical velocity (the speed of sound in the superfluid) is reached, the superfluid will very quickly begin spinning at the critical speed. The speed is quantized, that is, a superfluid can not spin at certain "allowed" or critical speed values. In simplified terms, if the container is rotated to a certain allowed speed, the superfluid will rotate very quickly along with the container, otherwise, if the speed is too slow, then the superfluid will not move at all, unlike how a normal fluid like water will rotate along with its container from the start. (compare this to the london moment)


The normal phase of non-zero entropy and superfluid phase of zero entropy coexist. This gives a strange phenomenon of two-fluid model.
A consequence of is that when the two-fluid pass through a capillary, effectively only the superfluid can flow through due to its zero viscosity along the way. This gives a strange situation where we have mass transfer without heat transfer (since there is no entropy transfer)!


Recently in the field of chemistry, superfluid helium-4 has been successfully used in spectroscopic techniques as a quantum solvent. Referred to as Superfluid Helium Droplet Spectroscopy (SHeDS), it is of great interest in studies of gas molecules, as a single molecule solvated in a superfluid medium allows a molecule to have effective rotational freedom, allowing it to behave exactly as it would in the "gas" phase.
Superfluids are also used in high-precision devices such as gyroscopes, which allow the measurement of some theoretically predicted gravitational effects (for an example see the Gravity Probe B article).
In 1999, one type of superfluid has been used to trap light and slow its speed greatly. In an experiment performed by Lene Hau, light was passed through a Bose-Einstein condensed gas of sodium (analogous to a superfluid) and found to be slowed to 17 m/s (61.2 km/h) from its normal speed of 299,792,458 metres per second in vacuum.[3] This does not change the absolute value of c, nor is it completely new: any medium other than vacuum, such as water or glass, also slows down the propagation of light to c/n where n is the material's refractive index. The very slow speed of light and high refractive index observed in this particular experiment, moreover, is not a general property of all superfluids.
The Infrared Astronomical Satellite IRAS, launched in January 1983 to gather infrared data was cooled by 720 litres of superfluid helium, maintaining a temperature of 1.6 K (-271.4 ­°C).

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