Sunday, October 25, 2009


1) who is author of “my people my country ?
Ans - L. K. Adwani
2) Who is first women grand master in India ?
Ans - S. Vijay Laxmi. (it was not koneru humpy she is youngest GM not First GM)
3) Who is iron Man ?
Ans - Sardar Vallabhai Patel.
4) where was Round Table conference was held ?
Ans - London
5) The branch in which study regarding immunity was done ?
Ans - Immunology.
6) What is HiINIAN ?
Ans -Regarding Buddhas (Some thing like that )
7) There is a Map given shown “KERALA & MEGHALAYA” in that which crop is more asked ?
Ans - I think answer may be Coffee. There is a confusion with TEA.
8)" Which state not touch the boundary of “Myanmar ”
Ans - Mizoram.
9) Oldest I I T at ?
Ans - Kharagpur.
10) There is a question of ENGLISH sent. .I agree “with” the proposal given by you .
Ans is —- With ( May be )
11) Vitamin “C” found in ?
Ans - Orange & Lemon.
12) Radio Wave was invested by whom ?
Ans - See friend actual answer was “Markoni” but this was not option so correct option is ” Sir . Jagadish Chandra Bose .( Indian)
13) When is world telecom day ?
Ans - 17th May. recently
14) shimala agreement was between ?
Ans-India & Pakistan .
15) which gas is responsible for “Green house Effect”?
Ans- CO2 ( Carbon di oxide)
16)Who invested TV ?
Ans - Beard.
17) There is a 04 English sentence given and we need to choose correct one reg freance & french.
Ans — As per my knowledge is was ” French people live in France”
18) A bunch of island were known ?
Ans - I don't know please tell me .
19) The anytome of ………( I forgot the word )
Ans - Please tell me .
20) I still not remember the 20th question . This is my challenge to you friend please recall this question & answer of it
Best of luck .;…….!

1.Which Sentence is correct:
a.French is known by me.
b.French live in France.
c.France is an European country.
d.Nepolean was a French king.

2.Antonymous of " OBSOLETE":
a.Current b. old c. relative d. neutral

3.I am agree _ the project.
a. to b. on c. with d. at

4."MY LIFE MY COUNTRY" author's name:
a.L.K. Advani
b.Manmohan Singh
c.Soniya Gandhi
d.Apj Abul Kalam

5.India's first Grandmaster lady:
a.koneru hampi
b.s. subrahamanyam
c.c.k. nayadu
d.kiran gosvami

6.J.L. Bayard invented: b. telephone c. telegraph d. television

7.Simla agreement was done between India and _
a. china b. Nepal c. Pakistan d. Bhutan

8. Myanmar is not share its boundary with
a. assam b. mizoram c. Manipur d. nagaland .

9. First "ROUND TABLE CONFRESS" between India & Britain was in:
a. Calcutta b. Delhi c. London d.Peris

10. Iron man of India is :
a. Lala lajpat rai
b . subhash Chandra bose
c. sardar vallabhai patel
d . pandit jawahar lal nehru

a. may 17 b. july 21 c. june 26 d. augast 22

12.Greenhouse Effect is caused by:
a. Carban di oxide b. sulphar di oxidem c. Carban mono oxide d. oxyzen

13.Oldest IIT is:
a.IIT, Bombay b. IIT, Guwahati c. IIT, delhi d. IIT,Khadakpur

14. Kalpana-I satellite is launched basically for:
a.Distance education
b.Telecommunication & broadcasting
c.Metrological purpose
d.Travel & science

15. Radio Waves transmission & receiving phenomenon invented by:

16. HYNYANIKA was a type of:

17. Following Shaded parts of country is producer of:

a. Jute b. Rubber c.tea
18 What is the term: "IMMUNOLOGY"

d) a thin insulator layer between the metal and semiconductor.


The use of thermocouple meters for ac measurement leads to a meterscale which is –

a) linear

b) square law

c) logarithmic

d) exponential

If low pressure of the order of 10-6mm of Hg is to be measure then the instrument of choice would be-

a) compound pressure gauge

b) thermocouple vacuum gauge

c) pirani gauge

d) ionization type vacuum gauge

In the given circuit if the power dissipated in the 6W resister is zero then V is –



The equivalent circuit of a resistor is shown in the given figure. The resistor will be non inductive if –






SCR turns OFF from conducting state to blocking state on –

a) reducing gate current

b) reversing gate voltage

c) reducing anode current below holding current value

d) applying ac to the gate


Static V-I characteristics of an SCR with different gate drives applied to the gate are indicated by-

a) I92 > I 91 > I 90

b) V92 > V91 > V90

c) P92 > P91 > P90

d) either a or b


Each diode of a 3 phase, 6-pulse bridge diode rectifier conducts for-

a) 60o

b) 1200

c) 1800

d) 900


A load, consisting of R = 10W and wL = 10W is being fed from 230 V, 50 Hz source through a 1 phase voltage controller. For a firing angle delay of 300 , the rms value of load current would be-

a) 23 A


The total number of SCRs conducting simultaneously in a 3 phase full converter with overlap considered has the sequence of-

a) 3,3, 22

b) 3, 3, 3, 2

c) 3, 2, 3, 2

d) 2, 2, 2, 3


A single phase voltage controller, using two SCRs in antiparallel is found to be operating as a controlled rectifier. This is because

a) load is R and pulse gating is used

b) load is R and high frquendy carrier gating is used

c) load is RL and pulse gating is used

d) load is RL and continuous gating is used


The inverse Fourier Transform of


In a GTO anode current begins to fall when gate current-

a) is negative peak at time t = 0

b) is negative peak at t = shortage period ts

c) just begins to become negative at t = 0

d) is negative peak at t = (ts + fall time)

Power amplifiers and Audio use

a) Ferrite core

b) Air core

c) Solid iron core

d) Laminated iron core


The amplifiers which are inserted at intervals amplify the signal and compensate for transmission less on the cable are called-

a) Line amplifiers

b) Equalizing amplifiers

c) Rep eaters

d) Compandors

A solid state device named TRIAC acts as a ----- switch

a) 3 terminal unidirectional

b) 2 terminal unidirectional

c) 3 terminal bi-directional

d) 2 terminal bi-directional


Identify the fastest logic circuit when speed of operation is concerned-

a) TTL

b) RTL

c) DTL

d) ATL


An amplifier CE is characterized by-

a) Low voltage gain

b) Moderate power gain

c) Very high output impedance

d) Signal phase reversal


The standard symbol for EX-OR gate is –

a) b)

c) d)


Boolean algebra is based on –

a) numbers

b) logic

c) truth

d) symbols


Magnetic amplifiers are used for –

a) voltage amplification

b) power amplification

c) current amplification

d) frequency amplification


Number of resistors required for an N bit D/A converter in R-2R ladder D/A converter is-

a) 4N

b) 1N

c) 3N

d) 2N


'Not allowed' condition in NAND gate SR flip flop is –

a) s = 0, R = 0

b) s = 1, R = 1

c) s = 0, R = 1

d) s = 1, R = 0


In a PID controlles the transfer function G(s) is


A time invariant linear stable system is forced with an input x(t) = A sin wt under steady state conditions, the output Y(t) of the system will be –

a) A sin (wt + f), where f = tan-1|G(jw) |

b) A G (jw) | A sin [wt + G(jw)]

c) | G (jw) | A sin [2 wt + G (jw)]

d) | G (jw) A sin [wt + G (jw)]



Mark the wrong statement for two phase servo motor –

a) The rotor diameter is small

b) The rotor resistance is low

c) The applied voltages are seldom balanced

d) The torque speed characterstic are linear.


The gain phase plot of open loop transfer function of four different systems labelled A, B, C, and D

are shown in the figure. The correct sequence of the increasing order of stability of the four systems will be-

a) A, B, C, D

b) D, C, B, A

c) B, A, D, C,

d) B, C, D, A


A unity feedback system has G(S) = . In the loot locus, the break away point occurs between

a) S = 0 and –1

b) S = -1 and ¥

c) S = -1 and –2

d) S =-2 and – ¥


Twice in a year a few minute disturbance occurs in space communication during sun-blinding when --- are in line

a) Sun and satellite

b) Sun and earth station

c) Satellite and earth station

d) Sun, satellite and earth station

The traffic handling capacity of an Earth station on the up link depends on-

a) It’s EIRP

b) Satellite antenna gain

c) Noise associated with the satellite

d) All of the above


A supergroup pilot is –

a) applied at each multiplexing bay

b) used to regulate the gain of individual repeaters

c) applied at each adjustable equalizer

d) fed in at a GTE


If the antenna diameter in a radar system is increased by a factor of 4, the maximum range will be increased by a factor of

a) Ö2

b) 2

c) 4

d) 8


In the given circuit the capacitor C is almost shorted for the frequency range of interest of the input signal . Under this condition the voltage gain of the amplifier will be-

hfe = 100 hie = 1K –

a) 0.33

b) 0.5

c) 0.66

d) 1


Microwave frequency bond is-

a) 30 MHz –300 MHz

b) 300 MHz –3 GHz

c) 300 MHz –10 GHz

d) 300 MHz – 30 GHz


Directional couplers are designed as-

a) coupler of two-wave guide

b) measuring instrument to measure power of signal through wave-guide

c) director to the signal flow

d) None of the above


Gyrator has a -

a) Phase difference of 1800 for transmission from port 1 to port 2 & no phase shift for transmission from port 2 to port 1

b) Phase difference of 1800 for transmission from port 1 to port 2 & no phase shift for transmission from port 1 to port 2

c)1800 phase difference for transmission from either port

d) 00 Phase difference for transmission from either port


In klyrtron tube for getting oscillations-

a) electron beam travels & RF field remains stationary

b) both electron beam & RF field travels in same direction

c) both electron & RF field remains stationary

d) RF field travels & electron beam remains stationary


The most noisy among below is –

a) IMPATT diode

b) Klyrtron

c) GUNN diode

d) TWT amplifier


The GUNN mode of gunn effect oscillator is also called as –

a) Domain mode

b) Delayed domain mode

c) Quenched domain mode

d) LSA mode


The total noise voltage across series ckt is –






The vertical height of F1 layer in ionospheric layer is –

a) 180 km

b) 70 km

c) 110 km

d) 400 km


8085 mP contains instruction in instruction set-

a) 64

b) 74

c) 246

d) 256


If the clock freq. is 5 MHz how much time is required to execute on instruction 18 T-states-

a) 3.6 m sec)

b) 36 m sec)

c) 36 m sec)

d) 36 sec)


In 8085 mP a word is equal to-

a) 8 bit

b) 16 bit

c) 32 bit

d) 64 bit

The instruction used to set continuous loops-

a) JC

b) JMP

c) JP

d) JPE


What happen when RET instruction executed -

a) data retrieved from stock to register

b) data from register saved on the stock

c) 16 bit address of instruction saved on stock.

d)16 bit address from stock retrieved


DMA is a process-

a) Interrupt data transfer.

b) high speed data transfer under control of microprocessor

c) high speed data transfer under control of DMA controller.

d) Interrupt data read


No. of boolean function can be generated from 3 variables-

a) 4

b) 8

c) 16

d) 256


The data storage in dynamic RAM is cell of-

a) capacitance

b) transistor

c) flip flop

d) transistor acting as capacitor


What is 9’s complement of 23-

a) 76

b) 77

c) 78

d) 79


An array is collection of -

a) different data type scattered throughout memory

b) same data type scattered throughout memory

c) same data type placed next to each other in memory

d) different data type placed next to each other in memory


While reading from the memory location for active high i/p pins-

a) Read and chip select i/p must be at logical 0 level

b) Read at 0 and chip select at logical 1 level

c) Read at 1 and chip select at logical 0 level

d) Read and chip select i/p must be at logical 1 level


When all i/p bits of AND gate are zero then o/p will be-

a) 0

b) 1

c) un-defined

d) none


The fan out comparison between TTL logic and DRL logic is

a) Both logic having higher fan out

b) TTL logic having higher fan out than DRL logic

c) TTL logic having lower fan out than DRL logic

d) Both logic having lower fan out


I was asked to perform the task of numbering points we had scored –

a) sad

b) said

c) tallow

d) strenous


The taste is rancid as the rank is –

a) odour

b) look

c) smell

d) sound


Troupe is a group of performers in a –

a) play

b) circus

c) cinema

d) orchestra


Complete the sentence with correct alternative

He is --- well today-

a) no

b) none

c) not

d) nought


Fritter is –

a) sour

b) chafe

c) dissipate

d) cancel


The sun rays falls vertically on-

a) Tropics

b) Doldrums

c) Poles

d) Equator


In India ‘Lotus’ award is given in the field of-

a) Literature

b) Films

c) Sports

d) Social Service


The Chauri-Chaura incident is related to

a) A major offensive by underground revolutionaries

b) Large scale looting of government property by congress worker

c) Massive police firing on unarmed satyagrahis

d) the burning of a police post by a mob


Dadamuni Ashok Kumar deceased on-

a) 10 December 2001

b) 20 December 2001

c) 10 January 2001

d) 20 January 2001


The first batsman in Test history to aggregate 350 plus runs in a Test Match is-

a) Sanath Jaisurya

b) Brian Lara

c) Sachin Tendulkar

d) Steve Waugh


Antibiotics which are effective against more than one type of bacteria are known as-

a) Surya drugs

b) Multibiotics

c) Broad-spectrum

d) Anti metabodies


The books Sushrut Sanhita and Charak S anhita are related to-

a) Hindu rituals

b) Interpretation of Puranas

c) Interpretation of Vedas

d) Ayurvedic system of medicine


An enzyme is a protein that -

a) Is used by the body as a food

b) Acts as an organic catalyst

c) Forms the hair and nails of the body

d) Make up the membranes of the cells


Atal Behari Vajpayee was Prime Minister for 13 days in-

a) May 1996

b) June 1997

c) September 1996

d) July 2000


RBI lowers the deposit rates ceiling for non banking finance companies from 14 percent to – percent per annum-

a) 12.5

b) 11.5

c) 10.5

d) 9.5


Booker prize is won in the field of -

a) Science

b) Medicine

c) Fiction writing

d) Adventure


Leprosy is caused by-

a) Bacterium

b) Virus

c) Protozoa

d) Helminthes


Zojila is a pass between-

a) Kashmir valley and Ladakh

b) Lahaul valley and Spiti

c) Chumbi valley and Sikkim

d) Aurnachal Pradesh and Tibet


Deforestation results in-

1. Flora destruction

2. Fauna destruction

3. Ecological misbalance

a) 1, 2 and 3

b) 1 and 3

c) 1 and 2

d) 2 and 3

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